Driving Assessment
Getting Your Full Licence

Image provided by NZTA
Shore Drive can carry out a range of driver assessments. These cover some of the following common needs for assessment of driving skills.
- a Restricted Driver looking to gain a full driving licence
- pre practical driving test assessment
- a senior person needing to sit the On Road Safety Test
- companies wishing to vet the driving skills of prospective employees
- a person from overseas looking to gain a NZ driving licence
We have developed our own assessment test because this has been an area neglected by some of the traditional driving schools. It is based on the New Zealand Institute of Drivers Educators Advanced Assessment tool, which the New Zealand Transport Authority have designed and approved. It covers the assessment of drivers (and riders) of all classes of vehicles. We can identify any bad habits that can affect your safety on the road.
A driving assessment by Shore Drive is the best way to determine where you are at, in terms of driving ability, and to look at ways to increase your skill levels in the following areas:
- response to Road rules response to other drivers scanning and planning skills
- risk reduction driving
- economy of driving
- handling of vehicle and vehicle sympathy
Shore Drive focus on tailoring their training programs to meet your individual needs, while still having the necessary structure to the lessons. We will:
- work with you to set targets for your driving needs
- provide feedback and an action plan at the end of a lesson
- talk to parents or caregivers if they are paying for the tests
- give guidance to driving coaches for supervised practice between lessons
- take driving coaches for a lesson so that they are better qualified to teach you
Full Licence Driving Test
Details of the requirements of the full licence test can be found on the NZTA website. You should note that the full license test time has reduced to 30 minutes which includes 20 minutes of driving. You are expected to apply appropriate hazard and detection responses to all assessable tasks without explanation of what is required by the testing officer. You are also expected to demonstrate safe driving that is in accordance with Full Licence Test Guide. You can download that as a pdf at:
Pre-practical driving test assessments
We strongly recommend that before taking your practical driving test for either the Restricted of Full Licence, you book a pre-test driving assessment for one or two hours in either our car or your own car. We will pick you up from wherever is convenient and return you there. We will carry out the assessment and report to you after the pre-test whether we feel you are ready to take the practical test. If we don’t think you are quite ready yet, we will detail any additional training required to make sure you pass the test at your first try.
Senior Drivers – Licence Renewal
All drivers must renew their driver licence at age 75, 80 and every two years after that. When renewing your licence from age 75, your health and vision must be regularly checked, both for your own safety and the safety of other road users. So you will need a medical certificate before being allowed to take the on-road test.
If your doctor decides you are medically fit to drive, but is unsure about your ability to drive safely, they may issue you with a medical certificate for driver licence enabling you to renew your driver licence, provided you pass an On-road Safety Test with a testing officer.
Shore Drive offer an in-depth assessment of your ability to pass the On-road safety test. We will provide a detailed report whether we feel you are ready to take that test. If we don’t think you are quite ready yet, we will detail any additional training required to make sure you can pass the test.
For more information on the on-road safety test, go to
nzta.govt.nz/resources/on-road-safety-test/ or call 0800 822 422.
Company Vehicles/Fleets
Under the Health & Safety in Employers Act, you have the responsibility to assess and manage risk in your workplace. It does not matter whether you have one company car or a fleet of trucks - a vehicle is considered a place of work and employees who are mobile are covered by the HSE Act (NZ) and/or the OSH Act (AU). Employers have a legal responsibility to ensure your employees have been trained and informed of the hazards associated with their job. Shore Drive provides a simple, cost-effective way to fulfil this legal requirement for your drivers, without paying for expensive classroom based courses or losing days of productivity.
The benefits to you, as an employer, is that your drivers will be more fuel efficient as well as being safer drivers. This can result in an up to 10% reduction in ACC levies.
Overseas Licence
If you are the holder of a driving licence from a country other than New Zealand, you can drive for a maximum of 12 months from the date you arrive in New Zealand.
You do not have to sit the practical or theory test, if you have a licence from the following countries:
Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom or the United States of America, as long as your licence is current and translated in English by approved translators.
A translation of your overseas licence or permit can be issued by:
- A translator approved by the NZTA diplomatic representative at a high commission, embassy or consulate; or
- The authority that issued your overseas licence (an international driving permit may be acceptable as a translation)
It is important to note that if you are caught driving without an acceptable English translation or an IDP, you may be prosecuted for driving unlicensed or for driving without an appropriate licence. You will be liable for an infringement fee of NZ$400, or up to NZ$1,000 if you are convicted in court.
The Police also have the power to forbid an unlicensed driver to drive until they have an appropriate licence. If you continue to drive after being forbidden, the vehicle you are driving will be impounded for 28 days, at the vehicle owner's expense. You may also risk not being covered by your insurance in the event of a crash.
You do have to sit a theory and do your practical test, if you have a license from a country not listed above or if you are planning to stay in New Zealand for more than 12 months and wish to drive.